How are you doing?

When several friends have to ask `How are You Doing`that means i am slacking on my updates. So highlights include of the last 3 weeks seem to revolve around getting back to the new normal.

me shorn.I was very much looking forward to getting my stitches out Friday march 2. It was a turning point because after that i didn`t feel like an early escapee from the hospital. I was quite self conscious – even though my hair is growing back fast – of the black stitches sticking up.

With my energy up after 2 weeks i started to walk the kids to and from school. It was great to be welcomed back by the `pick up` parents who wait with each other in all weather.

Another marker is back to church. I eased into it attending special event on Friday night mar 2 and attended full on at Sunday worship. The church community at Bedford United has been gold with prayers, well wishes and casseroles (See article: Love in a casserole dish)

One highlight was return of social life. When Maggie and Stu suggested dropping off a pizza, Andrea suggested we have an pizza making party. Their kids are the same age as ours . We had a blast and a arousing game of table hockey before supper and we played Apples to Apples after. Fun and chaos of kids. Back to being a parent.

All this has a backdrop of ongoing negotiating for our new Bedford Orthotics building across the street. Anybody know a trustworthy contractor

Movement wise i still have some passive effect of the electodes being in place. Getting up at night i am much less stiff.  And i can walk well if slower even when off pills. When i take pills its later in the day that my right foot starts to wobble.

My head is also numb in several spots. A lot of nerves need to regen after 3 cuts in the noggin.

My stimulator gets turned on march 19. so we`ll see how well i can dance after that.
so that`s how are I`m doing, thanks for asking!

One Response to How are you doing?

  1. Janet Clark says:

    Glad to hear how well you’re getting along well. I know what you mean about the stitches.. . years ago mine were at the back so I didnt shave all of my hair….. Hopefully with the healing, things will just continue to get better. Thinking of you and sending positive energy.


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